The Community Resources Are Here!
ADHD-related books, videos, audio and more for the Chaos Palace community
Hey there fam,
A while back, in a weekly update from the Chaos Palace, I asked if you’d like a list of ADHD-related resources. A whopping 67% of respondents responded in the affirmative, and I’ve had it on my to-do list ever since!
Initially, I imagined this as a list of books that have helped me. Alas, as many projects do, it kind of… splooshed outwards in various directions. The result is a document with reference books, children’s books, YouTube channels, and more. Each entry on this list has some information about the resource, why I found it helpful, and the relevant links.
To be clear: This is not finished, and I don’t envision it ever being finished!
You’ll see that I left two sections (‘Narrative Fiction’ and ‘Podcasts’) under construction. More importantly, though, this is an evolving list of resources because there’s such a wide (and ever-expanding) world of neurospicy resources out there. In fact, I’m excited to keep updating this and sending you more and more wonderful words and sounds.
And, since this is a Community Resource Doc, please message me or leave a note in the comments if you know of some book or podcast that’s missing. I’ll check it out and add it if I find it (a) relevant to this audience and (b) helpful in a meaningful way. In the
I sincerely hope this is helpful and interesting. Hey, should we start a book club?
Welcome to the Chaos Palace is about coloring outside society's boring ol' lines.
More specifically, it's about ADHD, parenting, queerness, and Judaism. Subscribe to get new ideas (big and small) about how to expand the boundaries of societal rules. Paying subscribers get updates from my own Chaos Palace, as well as conversations with folks who are whistling their own quirky tune and reported essays — for just $5 a month (or $55 for the year)! I also write poems sometimes, as well as thoughts about the complexities of the place I was raised in and love — Jerusalem, Israel.